Sunday, March 31, 2013

Appreciate Simplicity 

Sometimes it seems as if human beings specialize in making things much more complicated than they need to be. Your grandparents used to have plain oatmeal for breakfast. Now your local supermarket stocks an entire aisle with an eye -popping variety of cereals, each claiming to be more "improved" than the others.

At the same time, we appreciate simplicity. In fact, people work constantly to reduce mind-boggling complexities to easier to understand components. To resolve knotty problems, we sort and simplify. We seem to be compelled to understand things. And, the only way we can understand them is to find a way to make them clear and manageable.

At the same time, we appreciate simplicity. In fact, people work constantly to reduce mind-boggling complexities to easier to understand components. To resolve knotty problems, we sort and simplify. We seem to be compelled to understand things. And, the only way we can understand them is to find a way to make them clear and manageable.
God's creation is complex. He made it that way. And yes He simplified it for us. You were wondering about the meaning of life? It's a mystery, is it not? Not when you're asking the Author of life, He says simply , "I'm your life. Say yes to Me, and you will have it. He makes the important things straightforward and accesible.
Your life can consist of  a welter of details, and at the same time, if you want to, you can walk with simple, natural ease. One step at a time. It is not complicated.

(Author :  David Bordon & Tom Winters)

Indian people took shower in Gangga river in the morning. I took this picture on October 2011. (Maria Rita Hasugian)

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